Empowering You!!

I coach women who want to live their best life see what is present, explore what's keeping "it" real, and transform.

Do you have the courage to change?

"If you have the courage to begin, you have the power to succeed" DAVID VISCOTT


If you are like most  people, you've spent a lifetime ignoring unwanted feelings resulting in a lifetime unmet needs.

Leaving you struggling with your weight and damaging your health.

This is not how you planned it. 

Are you at war with your body?
Do you bully yourself with “I should”, “I can’t”, and “I have to?
Do you think that everyone else has it figured out, except you?

You know something is missing, yet you don’t have a clue what it is. Being healthy shouldn’t be this difficult, right?

Yet if there is one thing you do know, you don’t need another diet program just to do the same thing knowing the end result will be the same, it's insane.

Stuff your face or face your stuff.

The choice is yours and you already know that stuffing your face results in painful outcomes - Obesity, Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease.

You know you don’t need and of that. And if you have it, you don’t want it!

Facing your stuff is about acknowledging your feelings and honouring the unmet need behind those feelings, such as love, health, safety, security, nurturance, protection, excitement or entertainment.

It’s simple. But not easy.

As your Emotions Coach, my role is to guide you to explore the space between where you currently are and where you want to be. Because it's in that space, you’ll find answers to what’s keeping you where are and find solutions to move where you want to be. 

If you're ready to dive right in, let's begin now!

The life you want is wanting you!

Gabby Jackson
Gabby Jackson Studying


Hi, I am Gabby Jackson, a budding ICF (International Coach Federation) coach in training. I am at the point in the process where I need practice hours, 100 to be exact. This is where you come in.

I need your help

From today, October 30th, 2023 and until I reach my 100 hours, my 50 minute coaching sessions are only $1 each. While the price is low my services


How we can work together



As a guide, I help you break through barriers that are holding you back from making that connection. Are you ready to become that person you've dreamed of being?



Do you prefer the support being part of a group brings? It's that sense that you are not in it alone and it isn't 'just me'. If this is you, then Group Coaching may be right for you.

If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you.


The answer I was looking for was already inside me!

I know the answer I was looking for was already inside me, it was just getting those answers to come out, that's the trick. The way the question was phrased allowed me to be still with it and wait for the answer to come out of me... the answer would just come up. The experience was enlightening.

Gabby Jackson

Your next step...

Discover how working with me will help you explore the space between and connect you to where you want to be. Becoming healthy does not have to be as hard as it has been. There is an easy way for you, you just have to find it.